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HP 693715-001 Replacement Notebook Power Supply
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HP 693715-001 Replacement Notebook Power Supply

SKU: HP-693715-001-Replacement-Notebook-Power-Supply
Ratings: (5 customer reviews)

  • Price:
  • $70.00
  • You Save:
  • $48.01 (69%)

Item Currently Unavailable

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 Product Reviews

Average customer rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 5 customer reviews

  1. Great charger and great price
    By Busy mom (Beaumont, TX) on July 6, 2015

    The charger was exactly what I needed and cheaper then anything at best buy.. They could not even get me what I needed.

  2. Great Value and Easy!
    By Mom of 11 (University Place, WA) on April 21, 2015

    We just replaced the power chord for my high school son's laptop for the 3rd time in 1 1/2 years. The last two times I went through HP, since that is the computer's brand, but it was a huge hassle. I had to talk to multiple people who spoke poor English, and asked the same questions over, and over again. They always finally got around to telling me that the chord was not covered under warranty, which I already knew,and that it would cost me around $80 to replace! One of my daughters told me about eBuy Batteries , so I looked it up. I found the chord that I thought was the correct one, and the site also allowed me to put in the computer model # so that it could be double checked. The order website was pretty easy to use, we received the chord quickly, it works great, and it cost around $30. I would totally recommend this site! Thanks!

  3. Perfect
    By Cathy on July 28, 2014

    Exactly the cord I needed. Quick delivery, great communication.

  4. Battery purchase
    By PS on July 24, 2014

    No issues with the purchase. Battery arrived in time.

  5. HP Adapter
    By Sam (Leona Valley, California) on May 12, 2014

    Ordered easily, delivered quickly, satisfied completely.

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 Product Tips

This page is about HP 693715-001 Replacement Notebook Power Supply. This HP 693715-001 laptop AC charger is a durable adapter with long power cord and advanced safety features. 30 days money back and 1 year warranty.

30 days money back guarantee + 1 year replacement warranty.

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